About us
The Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The Global Environment Facility (GEF)
is an independent financial mechanism that provides grants to developing and eligible countries for projects that benefit the global environment.
The GEF supports projects in biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer and persistent organic pollutants. These projects link local, national, and global environmental challenges while promoting sustainable livelihoods.
The GEF serves as the designated financial mechanism for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), as well as a financial mechanism for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
By uniting 182 member countries, the GEF works closely with governments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the Convention Secretariats, and various international Agencies. Cooperation with CSOs is particularly valuable to the GEF, since its projects and policies have greatly benefited from a diversity of views, experiences and perspectives.
Since its inception in 1991 as a pilot program to address global environmental issues, the GEF has evolved into an effective and transparent entity with a solid, outcomes-driven track record. Through its unique partnership with governments, international organizations, CSOs and other stakeholders, the GEF has built a network with global impact.
Small Grants Programme (SGP)
Small Grants Programme (SGP)
was established in 1992. Through grassroots initiatives and community-level strategies implemented by CSOs, the GEF’s Small Grants Programme (SGP) addresses global environmental concerns. The strategic features of the program include its support of activities that reconcile sustainable livelihoods with GEF global priorities, the growing ownership by communities and local CSOs as a result of increased capacities and the experiences gained, as well as the active engagement of diverse stakeholders working on global environmental issues at the local level.
By promoting the development of community level strategies, gathering and sharing lessons, building partnerships and networks of stakeholders, and encouraging replication, the SGP has become one of the most successful corporate programs of the GEF.
As a result of its success, the SGP has expanded from its initial 42 countries in 1992 to 137 countries. The programme provides grants of up to $50,000 directly to local communities including indigenous people, community-based organizations and other non-governmental groups for projects in Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Land Degradation and Sustainable Forest Management, International Waters and Chemicals.
SGP Country Programme Strategy
SGP Country Programme Strategy
Each SGP participating country should develop a Country Programme Strategy (CPS) to ensure congruence with SGP Project Documents and the global Strategic Framework.
The development or revision of the Country Programme Strategy serves several broad purposes:
Foster a common understanding of the mission and strategic goals of the UNDPGEF Small Grants Programme.
Ensure that SGP activities are clearly related to the overall GEF objective of contributing to global environmental benefits in the GEF focal areas.
Adapt the global Strategic Framework and Project Document to national circumstances and priorities.
Provide a strategic framework for allocating resources and guiding programme implementation, especially selection of projects.
Constitute a basis for the assessment of programme achievements and impact.
CPS development should be undertaken as a participatory process that engages non-governmental organizations, related ministries and institutions, national focal points from the main conventions: biological diversity, climate change, land degradation and persistent organic pollutants.
The Country Programme Strategy is approved by the Central Programme Management Team.
Attached files:
National Steering Committee
The most important body of the SGP is its National Steering Committee (NSC) ensuring its professional, objective, transparent and effective implementation in the country in accordance with the SGP global objectives. NSC is composed of volunteers who represent the key stakeholders – NGOs, scientific community, government, local authorities, business and donors. NSC decides on the approval or rejection of project proposals to SGP.
- NSC Regulations (English verssion, PDF)
- Summary SGP Management Mission Report (English version, PDF)
The members of the National Steering Committee:
- Representative of UNDP Moldova
- Ion Lica, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment
- Anasta Stefanita, Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova
- Virginia Bilici, Swedish Embassy in the Republic of Moldova
- Mihai Lupu, Institute of Power Engineering